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More than 60 ‘supercars’ worth £6m seized in London

More than 60 ‘supercars’ worth £6m seized in London

More than 60 “supercars” worth an estimated £6 million have been seized across central London in one week, the Met Police has said.

Cars including a McLaren, Bentley, Rolls Royce, Ferrari and Lamborghini were removed.

The action came after Westminster residents complained about anti-social drivers hitting high speeds and treating the area like a “race track”.

Five arrests were made, which included insurance fraud, using a mobile phone at the wheel, not using a seatbelt and driving without due care.

Westminster City Council said anti-social driving was worse in the summer

The operation began on 2 August and ran over the weekend.

The Met said it worked with Westminster City Council and the Motor Insurance Bureau on the “intelligence-led operation”.

Paul Dimoldenberg, Westminster City Council cabinet member for city management, said drivers using the capital as “their own private racetrack” were “not welcome” in Westminster.

“The noise and dangerous driving from these boy racers is often worse during the summer, so I welcome these results from the enforcement work,” he added.

From the Met, Special Insp Geoff Tatman said: “This hugely successful operation has proved we are dealing with those crimes, such as anti-social driving, that is causing most distress to residents and tourists.

“It’s also testament to the hard work and dedication of the Met Special Constables – volunteer police officers – that play a vital role in our mission to make London safer and kindly give up their free time help serve the community.”


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