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Sunak resigns as Conservative Party leader after Labour landslide

Sunak resigns as Conservative Party leader after Labour landslide

Rishi Sunak has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party after Labour won a landslide in the general election, saying “I am sorry”.

Mr Sunak said he would not leave his role immediately.

“I have heard your anger, your disappointment and I take responsibility for this loss.”

He added: “I am honoured to have been your prime minister, this is the best country in the world”.

Moments before he gave his speech, Mr Sunak wrote on X: “I have given this job my all. But you have sent a clear message, and yours is the only judgement that matters.

After winning his seat in Richmond, North Yorkshire, Mr Sunak conceded defeat and said it was a “sobering” night.

He added: “The Labour Party has won this general election and I have called Sir Keir Starmer to congratulate him on his victory.

“The British people have delivered a sobering verdict tonight, there is much to learn… and I take responsibility for the loss.”

In a message to the hundreds of Tories who have lost their seats, Mr Sunak said: “I am sorry.”

With just 2 more seat resulted to be announced currently Labour have gained an overwhelming majority of 412 seats.

Two of this seats now included MP’s from a Turkish speaking background.

In Enfield North Labour’s Feryal Clark secured her second term with 49.1% of the votes, another candidate form a Turkish speaking background in this constituency was Independent Ertan Karpazli who gain 3.3% of the votes.

While in Barking Nesil Caliskan maintained Labours hold with 44.5% of the votes.



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