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GIK-DER celebrates with a Grand Festival at Pymmes Park

GIK-DER celebrates with a Grand Festival at Pymmes Park

The Refugee Workers Cultural Association (GIK-DER) marked the end of its 2023-2024 season with a grand festival at Pymmes Park in Enfield.

The event, which drew over 3,000 attendees, highlighted the association’s work and attracted new members. The festival concluded with a call for a reunion in the next season.

Held on Sunday, June 23, the festival featured GIK-DER and the Prisoners’ Voice Platform, along with various community organizations that presented their activities through stalls. Students from GIK-DER’s saz, guitar, and erbane courses performed on stage, while children from the drama course presented a play in Kurdish. The event was enlivened by performances from the Cicada Children’s Choir and the Rengin Women’s Choir, as well as musicians Dodan, Merwan Şan, and Zeyno Durar.

Speakers from GIK-DER emphasized the association’s 33-year struggle for the social and political rights of migrant workers from Turkey. The association, known for fighting against racism and discrimination in the UK, called for support for independent candidates in the upcoming general elections. Nandita Lal, the independent candidate for Tottenham supported by the Alternative Election Platform, also addressed the participants, seeking support for migrant rights.

A special program for children included face painting, rhythm workshops, chess, clay and wooden toy making, ensuring a fun-filled day. Authors Ahmet Güven, Ali Poyraz, Dursaliye Şahan, Fergül Yücel, and Sultan Karataş held a book signing event, while a backgammon tournament captivated attendees.

The festival, which was highly appreciated by participants, ended with a call for involvement in GIK-DER’s future activities and courses in the coming year.


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