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TWPA organised Autism camp trip

TWPA organised Autism camp trip

This past bank holiday weekend, the TWPA (Turkish Women’s Philanthropic Association of England) organized an extraordinary camping trip for their teens and young adults autism music therapy group, accompanied by their mothers and siblings.

Camping can be challenging for anyone, but it poses additional hurdles for individuals on the autistic spectrum who have learning difficulties. The experience was both an adventure and a significant developmental milestone for everyone involved.

Throughout the weekend, the children learned valuable skills and participated in various activities. They set up their own tents, practiced archery, embarked on a scavenger hunt and expedition, and even cooked their own meals. Watching them navigate these tasks with increasing confidence was truly inspiring.

The trip began with a perfect day of setting up tents and exploring the campsite. However, the night brought heavy rain, testing the group’s resilience. “Despite the discomfort of 2am toilet runs in the downpour, the children managed remarkably well, demonstrating courage and adaptability.” Said TWPA Chair  Seyyare Beyzade.

“We were so proud of our group, camping was very much out of their comfort zone away from the stability and rigid schedules they are use to. They faced many personal fears including darkness, mud, rain, no running hot water/no showers, no proper toilets and sleeping on the floor to name a few. We had a few wobbles but all in all they faced their fears and coped really well with the huge changes they encountered.

“They learnt to put their own tents up, do archery, went on a scavenger hunt/expedition and cooked their own food. It really was amazing to watch.

“We hope to make this an annual event, funding permitting, as it clearly made a huge difference to them improving their wellbeing, their confidence and empowered them to know they are able to assess and take a few risks, to face their fears and succeed.”



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