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ASUK celebrate together with Spring Breakfast

ASUK celebrate together with Spring Breakfast

The Atatürk Society UK (ASUK) organized a “Spring Breakfast” on Sunday, April 14, 2024, at the Gallipoli Restaurant on Angel, Upper Street. The breakfast received great interest, and many people could not attend as the seats were already filled.

The ASUK and  Atatürk World Platform (AWP) president Jale Ozer said: “This week, we celebrated Ramadan (Sugar) Feast. We welcome you all. National and Religious Holidays, both domestically and internationally, are days when our culture and Republic values ​​are better understood, embraced, and contribute to the understanding of Atatürk’s principles and revolutions by our youth. As ASUK, we especially take care to celebrate these holidays.

“For us Atatürkists, who never lose hope that our country will emerge from dark days into light, this holiday has a special significance. The Turkish Nation longs for love, embrace, smile, and living together without polarization. We, who live abroad, entered this holiday after catching the ‘Spring’ that came on March 31, 2024, after many years. The Turkish Nation, in whom our Founder Atatürk trusted, proved the saying ‘The nation’s independence will again be saved by the determination and will of the nation.’ The Turkish people united, holding onto the values of the Republic of Turkey with their conscience and wisdom, and laid the foundation of hope.”

“As the ASUK and a member of the AWP family, we believe that all democratic forces must work together to enhance the light of Atatürk Thought. Our duty from now on is to fulfil the content of this hope that our people have expressed.”

Emphasizing the importance of organization,  Özer called on people to become members of the ASUK and fight together.

Following President Jale Özer, Dr. Ali Tekin, President of the Azerbaijan House and Vice President of the ASUK, congratulated the participants on the holiday, emphasizing the value of pleasant gatherings and expressing optimism about better days ahead.


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