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President Tatar Attends the 40th Anniversary Ball of CTCA

President Tatar Attends the 40th Anniversary Ball of CTCA

TRNC President Ersin Tatar attends ball hosted by the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations in the UK.

President Ersin Tatar attended an event organized by the Council of Turkish Cypriot Associations in the UK, celebrating the 40th anniversary of the TRNC and the council’s establishment.

The ball, featuring the flags of the TRNC and the Republic of Turkey, took place at the Grand Palace venue.

Alongside President Tatar, the event was also attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in London, Osman Koray Ertaş, and the Representative of the TRNC in London, Çimen Keskin.

In his opening speech, Council Chair Kenan Nafi celebrated the 40th anniversary of the TRNC and the council, stating, “We are working in unity; despite our differences, we will accomplish great things.”

Honoring Dr. Küçük, Denktaş, and the martyrs, Nafi emphasized their duty as citizens living in the UK to introduce and promote their homeland, stating that they would continue to fulfil their responsibilities. He expressed gratitude to everyone supporting the council’s activities and existence, including President Tatar.

Nafi explained that the council had been working for 40 years, facing challenges such as a building issue, and mentioned their efforts to solve this problem. He announced that a portion of the funds from the council’s organized festival would be donated to Turkish Cypriot schools, the Champion Angels Association, and the families affected by the earthquake on February 6.

Acknowledging the establishment of the Youth Union within the Council, Nafi expressed that the youth represents the future and emphasized the importance of maintaining their commitment to national and spiritual values, stating, “Strength arises from unity.”

Founding President Özkan Hıfzı, acknowledging the challenges in establishing the council, congratulated those involved and emphasized the council’s success in sustaining associations. Hıfzı highlighted the council’s efforts in conveying citizens’ expectations to authorities, addressing issues such as buildings, voting rights, military service, and schools.

Representative Keskin, expressed the honour of celebrating the 40th anniversary of the TRNC and the council with President Tatar. Keskin noted the significant achievements of the TRNC in the face of various challenges, expressing hope for the rapid international recognition of the TRNC.

Ambassador Ertaş, expressed their enthusiastic celebration of the 40th anniversary of the TRNC. He thanked President Tatar for joining the festive atmosphere in London, emphasizing the strong unity formed by the Turkish community there.

President Tatar expressed great honour in being together with citizens on the 40th anniversary of the TRNC and the council in London. Tatar highlighted the Turkish Cypriot people’s long years of suffering, eventually leading to the establishment of their state, which now continues to thrive.

Stating that national sensitivities are at the highest level in the UK, Tatar pledged to protect national unity and solidarity for the future. He emphasized that, with the support of the Republic of Turkey, the TRNC will continue to be a Turkish state in its region and a guarantee of peace and security.


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