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Turkish Forum UK Panel on “Healthy Living After the Pandemic” at Imperial College

Turkish Forum UK Panel on “Healthy Living After the Pandemic” at Imperial College

The Turkish Forum UK foundation, based in London, organized a panel on “Healthy Living After the Pandemic” at Imperial College. Turkish doctors answered questions on topics such as mental health, heart health, epigenetics, cancer, and obesity.

TRNC President Ersin Tatar attended the panel during his visit to London on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the TRNC. President Tatar expressed his great pleasure at being part of the panel, co-organized by the Turkish Student Association of Imperial College and TFUK, and moderated by Turkish Cypriot Cancer Biology Professor Mustafa Camgöz.

The event was attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in London, Osman Koray Ertaş, and the Representative of the TRNC in London, Ambassador Çimen Keskin.

TFUK President Nazif Akpınar welcomed the guests and introduced the panellists, including Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gülsen Meral, Dr. Cemil İzgi, Dr. Candan Ertubey, Dr. Aygül Dağbaşı, and Dr. Aydın Duygu. Turkish Student Association President Eran Emirzadeoğluları expressed pride in hosting such a panel.

President Ersin Tatar expressed his delight at participating in such a meaningful panel, emphasizing the importance of science and congratulating all experts for their contributions to Turkish culture in the field of knowledge.

Tatar mentioned his long-standing friendship and family ties with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Camgöz since his student years in London. He spoke about his education and work experiences in London, Turkey, and Cyprus. Reflecting on his political journey, Tatar emphasized the importance of science and thanked all experts for their contributions.

President Tatar also remembered the late Zeren Safa, a former president of TFUK, expressing his condolences. He highlighted the importance of Zeren Safa, a fellow “chartered accountant,” in the history of TFUK.






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