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The Republic Day of November 15 was celebrated

The Republic Day of November 15 was celebrated

Representative Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in London hosted reception for the 40th Anniversary of the TRNC. The Representative Office of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) in London organized a reception to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the TRNC on November 15. TRNC President Ersin Tatar attended the reception.

During his speech at the reception, President Tatar called on the guarantor country, the United Kingdom, to act according to the realities on the island and to hear the voice of the Turkish Cypriot people against the unjust embargoes imposed on them.

Tatar emphasized that the TRNC is the guarantee of peace, tranquillity, and security in the region, continuing to walk confidently into the future with the support of the Republic of Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot people living abroad.

President Tatar came to London to participate in the celebrations of the 40th Republic Day.

In London, Tatar attended the reception organized by the TRNC London Representation for the 40th anniversary of the TRNC on November 15. The reception, held at the Churchill Hotel, attracted significant attention from Turkish citizens living in the UK, and it was also attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in London, Koray Ertaş, and representatives of civil society organizations in London.

During the reception, a minute of silence was observed, and the National Anthem was performed to honor the martyrs, including the national struggle leader Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the founding President Rauf Raif Denktaş, who played a crucial role in bringing the TRNC to its current state.

Çimen Keskin, the representative of the TRNC in London, made the opening speech at the reception, expressing gratitude to all the guests who did not leave them alone on the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the TRNC.


London Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey Ertaş stated that he was honoured to share the happy day of the TRNC citizens, celebrating the 40th anniversary.

Ertaş emphasized that as the Republic of Turkey, they will achieve success for the TRNC to go further as long as they act shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand.

Ertaş remembered Dr. Fazıl Küçük and the Founding President Denktaş in his speech.


President Tatar expressed his pride in coming together with his brothers and sisters in London on the 40th anniversary of the TRNC.

Tatar, pointing out the importance of the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the TRNC, which they celebrated in Nicosia last night, emphasized the importance of the efforts of TRNC citizens living in the United Kingdom to overcome the unjust isolations and embargoes imposed on the TRNC.

Stating that the Turkish Cypriot people never gave up the struggle, Tatar expressed that the declaration of the TRNC by Denktaş, with an impossible request and will of the Turkish Cypriot people, crowned the pains and sacrifices endured by the Turkish Cypriot people.


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