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Pub takeaway drinks rules to be continued for 18 months

Pub takeaway drinks rules to be continued for 18 months

Pubs in England and Wales will be able to continue selling takeaway drinks after the government decided to keep Covid licensing rules.

They were allowed to serve customers through hatches when they were forced to close under pandemic laws in 2020.

The rules were due to expire on 30 September, but they will now be continued until March 2025.

The move – aimed at saving the trade from financial ruin – was previously extended twice during the pandemic.

During the temporary extension of the rules the government said it would continue to look for a “permanent solution” to best support local pubs and bars.

The Sun newspaper, which first reported the story, quoted a source as saying the prime minister had “listened to the industry and heard them loud and clear”.

The rules, which were granted in July 2020, allow pubs without an off-premises licence to sell takeaway alcohol without having to apply to their local council for permission.

They are also allowed to sell alcohol on the street within the area covered by any pavement licence they may have – something that will continue post-September as well.

The changes enabled pubs to keep trading during Covid restrictions.

Before its decision to keep the rules in place after all, the Home Office had said that it had sought opinions from councils, residents’ groups and drinks retailers – and that the majority of those who responded were in favour of returning to the pre-pandemic rules.

There were concerns from pub groups that such a move would have forced landlords to go through a lengthy application and approval processes to keep takeaway sales.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “I’m determined to back British pubs and make sure they have all the support they need after weathering the storm of the pandemic as we grow our economy.

“That’s why we’re cutting unnecessary red tape so that customers can enjoy a takeaway pint or al fresco drink without businesses facing extra burdens.”


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