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MPs back Partygate report as just seven vote against

MPs back Partygate report as just seven vote against

MPs have backed a report that found Boris Johnson deliberately misled MPs over lockdown parties at Downing Street.

The Commons voted overwhelmingly in support of the report, by 354 to seven.

The cross-party committee’s report had found Mr Johnson committed repeated offences when he said Covid rules had been followed at No 10 at all times.

Several allies of Mr Johnson questioned the impartiality of the committee and said they would vote against.

Former Prime Minister Theresa May, Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt and Education Secretary Gillian Keegan were among the senior Conservatives who supported the report’s findings.

Conservative MPs who voted against included Sir Bill Cash, Nick Fletcher, Adam Holloway, Karl McCartney, Joy Morrissey and Heather Wheeler – while 118 Tories voted in favour.

No vote was recorded for 225 MPs, because they either abstained or did not turn up to vote.

Mr Johnson had asked his supporters not to vote against the report, with sources close to the former prime minister arguing it had no practical effect now he has resigned.

But his critics suggested the move was designed to avoid revealing the low level of support for him among Tory MPs.

Some abstained, while others did not turn up to vote at all.  A number of Johnson allies who spoke in the debate but did not vote.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak did not attend the debate and has refused to say how he would have voted, suggesting he did not want to influence others.

The vote means Mr Johnson loses his right to a parliamentary pass, which gives access to certain parts of Parliament, as this was one of the report’s recommendations.

The Privileges Committee of MPs, which has a Conservative majority, was asked to investigate whether Mr Johnson had misled MPs over what he knew about parties held in Downing Street during Covid lockdowns – dubbed the Partygate scandal.

Its report concluded that Mr Johnson made multiple deliberately misleading statements to Parliament about events at No 10.

Ahead of the report’s publication, Mr Johnson announced he was quitting as an MP, branding the committee a “kangaroo court”.

The report found Mr Johnson had committed further “contempts” of Parliament by attacking the committee, increasing the severity of the recommended sanction.

The committee subsequently recommended a 90-day suspension for Mr Johnson – a long ban by recent standards – as well as denying him the parliamentary pass, which he would normally be entitled to as a former MP.

If he had still been an MP, the suspension could have triggered a by-election in his constituency.


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