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The 4th Turkish Film Festival to take place in Cambridge and London

The 4th Turkish Film Festival to take place in Cambridge and London

THE 4th Turkish Film Festival, Taste of Anatolia – Films from Turkey (TOA), will be taking place from the 5 to 11 of November 2022.

For the first time, screenings for this week-long event will extend from TOA’s home city of Cambridge to London, as well as continuing online, allowing even more people across Britain to enjoy new cinema from Turkey.

This year’s TOA programme lists 38 star-studded movies. Ten of these are feature-length films and 28 shorts, with five of the 38 films documentaries. The selection includes both prominent and upcoming Turkish directors tackling a myriad of themes, such as anti-war, religiosity, and a heist thriller using a blend of comic book and live-action drama.

Many of the films will be enjoying their UK premieres, among them the award-winning Bembeyaz /Pure White, screening at Dalston’s Rio Cinema on 9 November. Another making its UK premiere is the critically acclaimed family drama Çatlak / Fractured, director Fikret Reyhan’s follow-up feature to his award-winning film Yellow Heat.

One of TOA 2022’s headline movies is Klondike, a multiple award-winning Ukrainian-Turkish productions directed by Maryna Er Gorbach. The film centres on a family in the Donetsk region of Eastern Ukraine whose world is violently disrupted by the crash of flight MH17 in 2014 and the events that follow.

After two difficult years due to the coronavirus pandemic, TOA enthusiastically welcomes back audiences with theatre screenings in diverse venues in and around two cities. For Cambridge, TOA films will be showing at the Arts Picturehouse, Old Divinity School in St John’s College, Christ’s College, and Gardiner Memorial Hall in Burwell Village. TOA screening venues for London are Rio Cinema in Dalston, and Hackney’s Artlens.

For all information regarding tickets and screenings for the festival, you can visit


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