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TWPA members set to join together for tea

TWPA members set to join together for tea

THE Turkish Woman Philanthropic Association (TWPA) will be holding a tea party on Sunday, September 25.

TWPA President Semahat Mustafa stated that the association’s traditional tea parties are a meaningful meeting for them and called for community members and young people to participate.

“Turkish Women’s Aid Association is an association that was founded in 1970 by the gathering of Turkish Cypriot women. The TWPA registration in 1975 had become a charity; Its main purpose was to provide practical and financial assistance to Turkish women and their families. A major step in the association’s development was the purchase in 1992 of its own building at Willoughby Road, Hornsey, N8. Known as the TWPA headquarters, the building is used as a counselling centre, information service, social events and health seminars.

“In 1997, Milli Piyango provided us with a fund for 3 years to develop projects within the scope of health. In June 1998/99, 916 Turkish women participated in the research project survey conducted by the municipality of Enfield to determine the needs of women. As TWPA, we have undertaken various projects and aid campaigns for many years, these services are still continuing and we want to take a step with our youth to become stronger. Young people are our future, we care about our youth, we care about the thoughts and problems of our youth, and their projects for the future. Therefore, we will be very happy to see our young people among us.”

The tea party, which will be held in North London, at  4 Willoughby Rd, Harringay Ladder, London N8 0HR will take place between 2-5 pm.



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