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Tag: councils

Boris Johnson has given councils across England new powers that will mean they will be able to enforce lockdown on owners of shops, restaurants and pubs in areas that are hit hard by a Covid-19 outbreak. Local authorities would also be able to close public places, like parks, and cancel...
LONDON will not meet a target to recycle half of all household waste unless significant action is taken to tackle a “postcode lottery” on landfill, campaigners warn. The capital recorded the lowest home recycling rates in England last year at 33.4 per cent. That was up just 0.3 per cent on the...
HARINGEY has made it to number borough in London with the most recorded green waste incidents, between 2017 and 2018 1478 incidents took place. The report by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) shows the ranking of all of London boroughs. Haringey and Southwark saw the biggest number of locals...
COUNCILS will have their next financial year spend debated in government by MPS, after local authorities complained of a £3bn funding gap. Ministers allocated £1.3bn more than planned, with one-off funds of £650m for social care and £420m for roads. Communities Secretary James Brokenshire said the funding available amounted to...
A disability charity says it is “disgraceful” councils are failing to take action against people misusing blue-badge parking permits. Analysis by the Press Association found 94 out of 152 (62%) local authorities in England did not pursue anyone for abusing the scheme in 2017-18. Phil Talbot, from charity Scope, said...
A council in west London has asked for new powers to take control over what is known to be ‘ghost homes’ and use them for council tenants when they are left untenanted for a long duration. Kensington and Chelsea council’s deputy leader Kim Taylor-Smith has contacted the housing minister to...
ACCORDING to recent statistics, £589 million was collected by the Town halls in the last finical year from meters and tickets issued, of this £233.8million was spend on wages, maintains and other costs, leaving a profit of near £1million a day according to a report published by the Integrated Transport...
LOCAL authority funding is set to be cut as the government further reduces funding again, with council bosses in England say the “worst is yet to come”. The County Council Network (CCN) predicts “unpalatable cutbacks” next year as the councils identify at least £1bn savings to plug a £1.5bn shortfall...