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Orta şiddetli yağmur
Orta şiddetli yağmur
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Pazartesi Orta şiddetli yağmur
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Turkish Community Engagement Worker

Turkish Community Engagement Worker

Circa £25,526 plus £3,216 location allowance

You will receive £25,526 the band minimum. Progress to the band maximum of £28,369 will be via incremental progression.


As London grows and becomes more diverse than ever, we need to strengthen links with the city’s many communities. As a Community Engagement Worker for London’s Turkish population, you’ll keep the Met and Counter Terrorism teams informed of this group’s concerns, news and issues. With this insight, we can address any problems quickly and use information we receive to help protect the public.

A fluent Turkish speaker, you’ll be our bridge to a large, vibrant community. Your task is to build and cultivate strong working relationships with a number of Turkish contacts. You will have the freedom to choose people that you feel will be useful to you. It’s your chance to be a subject matter expert on Turkish community concerns within our Counter Terrorism Command.

We’re looking for the ability to communicate and win trust. Ideally, you’ll have worked in a role that requires similar skills: for example Social/Community Work. You’ll also be bilingual and aware of the issues affecting Turkish communities in London.

To apply, please visit our website to download a role specific information pack and application form. Completed applications must be returned by 2nd June 2017.

Please note we are only able to review the first 50 applications received.

We view diversity as fundamental to our success. To tackle today’s complex policing challenges, we need a workforce made up from all of London’s communities. Applications from across the community are therefore essential.

The MPS is an equal opportunities employer fully committed to diversity and expects all applicants to have an understanding of, and commitments to, equal opportunities and diversity.


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