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The new Turkish Consul General for London, Korkut Tufan, has started his duty

The new Turkish Consul General for London, Korkut Tufan, has started his duty

Korkut Tufan published a message after his appointment to London as the Turkish Consul General. Tufan stated his duty as of September 15, 2024, and shared the honour and excitement he feels in his new position. In his message, he said, “I am very happy to be working in London, in the United Kingdom, one of the most deep-rooted countries in the world. I am also excited to serve the Turkish community, which has a respected place here.”

Tufan shared how he does not want his consulates to be seen not only as a place where bureaucratic procedures are carried out, but also as a home where citizens can share their needs and problems. He emphasized that he and his colleagues will evaluate citizens as an “advisory board” by benefiting from the opinions, suggestions and experiences of the society.

The Consul General stated that, as in his previous consulate and ambassadorial duties, he would give importance to being involved with the society, finding solutions to needs and making the state feel warm. He expressed that he would be happy to be together with the citizens in London and the United Kingdom with the same understanding.

Tufan also recommended that the official website and social media accounts of the Consulate General be followed. He stated that in this way, Turkish citizens can be informed about consulate services and announcements.

Adding he was looking forward to meeting and providing effective and useful services through the Consulate General, and offered his best wishes.


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