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Birmingham stabbings: Man arrested on suspicion of murder

Birmingham stabbings: Man arrested on suspicion of murder

A 27-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after one person died and seven others were injured in stabbings across Birmingham city centre.

The 27-year-old suspect was arrested at an address in the Selly Oak area of the city at about 4am today, West Midlands Police said.

Officers said he was also being held over seven counts of attempted murder.

The attacks happened at four Birmingham locations over a period of 90 minutes in the early hours of Sunday.

Officers were first called out just after 00.30 am on Sunday at Constitution Hill, where a man sustained a superficial injury.

About 20 minutes later they were called to Livery Street, near Snow Hill railway station, where a 19-year-old man was critically injured and a woman was also hurt.

At 1.50 am, police were sent to Irving Street, where a 23-year-old man suffered fatal injuries and another man was seriously hurt.

Ten minutes later, they were called to Hurst Street, in the city’s Gay Village, where a 32-year-old woman was critically injured and two men were less badly hurt.

Police say they are treating the attacks as “random” at this stage.

Ch Supt Steve Graham said: “Officers worked through yesterday and into the early hours of this morning in a bid to trace the man we believe responsible for these terrible crimes.

“We issued CCTV footage of the suspect and had a strong response from the public. I’d like to thank everyone who shared our appeal and who provided information to the investigation.

“Clearly this is a crucial development but our investigation continues.”


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